2009年3月10日 星期二

To build and use the adb under the Linux Environment

Black have try to use the ADB under Linux with only the USB connection. If you want to try, please following this quick guide:

1. build adb

$ make adb

2. putting the 50-android.rules into /etc/udev/rules.d/ (i.e., the path on linux host) and the content of

50-android.rules is listed as below

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", SYSFS{idVendor}=="05c6", MODE="0666"

the "05c6" can looked up through issuing the command as below when you have connected the device to linux host with USB.

$ lsusb

3. checking adb can detect the connected devices

$ kill `pgrep adb`

$adb devices

4. (optional step) if you want to connect to G1 you must open the "debug mode" by check the checkbox on Settings -> Application -> Development -> USB debuging

